We provide Engineering Consultancy service that meets your needs.
The Chief Consultant Eng. Sydney Mulenga pursued a Masters of Engineering Degree in Electrical engineering, Electromechanics and Electrical technologies. He is a graduate of one of the only three specialised Russian Power Engineering Universities, ie Kazan State Power Engineering University. He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institution of Zambia, a member of the South African Institution of Electrical Engineers, a member of Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a Registered Engineer with Engineering Registration Board of Zambia.
We offer Technical Assistance by consultative work covering
@Borehole design
@Fire Protection System Installations and Signalization.
@DC motor drives - SIMOREG
@BMR winder operations
@ Electrical fieds
@ Analog electronics
@educational course papers in Electrical Machines
@Theoretical and applied Mechanics
@Fundamentals of Theory of Electrical Engineering
@Higher Physics, Higher Mathematics
@Technincal Russian-English Translation
@Engineering Drawing
@Small Hydro Power Design, Costing and Analysis
@Electrical Transport Design and Calculations for its Optimization
@Electrical and Electronics Devices based on MCS51, PIC16, AVR, Circuits, and programms in Assembly
@Website designing
As you can observe, we have included work covering university students requirements, however we cover professional work besides academic. The Chief Engineering Consultant has vast knowledge and experience in Industry having worked for the Mines, Power Utility and Academia for over 15 years.
Copyright@2005-2020 SM CONSULT. All Rights Reserved.
Masters of Engineering and Technology State Standard my coordinates E-mail: sydneymule@yahoo.com