THE STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD For the Degree of Master of Engineering and Technology 551300 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ELECTROMECHANICS AND ELECTROTECHNOLOGIES 1. THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FIELD 551300 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ELECTROMECHANICS AND ELECTROTECHNOLOGIES 1.1. The field is authorized by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation N 686 from 02.03.2000. 1.2. Qualification of the graduate holding a Degree of Master of Engineering and Technology. Normative term of development of the basic educational program of preparation of the Master’s student in the field "Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies " for full time form of training is 6 years. The fundamental educational program of preparation of the Master will consist of the program of preparation of the bachelor on the corresponding field (4 years) and the specialized preparation of the Master (2 years). 1.3. Qualification characteristics of the graduate. 1.3.1. Area of professional work. Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies make an intergral part of engineering which includes a set of means, ways and the methods of human activity created for application of electrical energy, management of its streams and transformation of other kinds of energy in electrical. 1.3.2. Objects of professional work of the graduate. Objects of professional work of the graduate are: - Electric machines, transformers, technical equipment of strong electric and magnetic fields, electromechanical complexes and systems, including their management and regulation; - Electric and electronic devices, complexes and systems of electromechanical and electronic devices, automatic devices and control systems of streams of energy; - Electric insulation of electrical power, electrotechnical and radio-electronic devices, cable products and wires, electric capacitors, materials and systems of electric insulation of cables and of electric capacitors; - Controlled electromechanical and technological systems including electrical, electromechanical, mechanical and information converters and devices, intended for transformation of electric energy in mechanical (and vice versa); - Electrotechnological, electrowelding and electrophysical installations and processes, installations and devices of household electroheating; - Various kinds of electric transport and means of maintenance of optimum performance of transport systems; - Elements and systems of electric equipment of automobiles and tractors; - Ship automated electrical power systems, converting devices, electric drives of power, technological and auxiliary installations, their systems of automatics, control and diagnostics; - Power systems, converting devices and electric drives of power, technological and auxiliary installations, their systems of automatics, the control and diagnostics on flying devices; - Electric facilities of industrial enterprises, all factory low-voltage and high-voltage electric equipment, electrotechnical installations, networks; - Specifications and technical documentation and systems of standardization, methods and means of testing and quality assurance of products of the electrotechnical industry, system of electric equipment and electrical power supply, electrotechnological installations and systems. 1.3.3. Kinds of professional work. A Master in the field "Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies " is prepared for the activity demanding profound fundamental and vocational training, including research work, and under condition of development of the corresponding educational-professional program of a pedagogical structure - to pedagogical activity. 1.3.4. Tasks of professional work. The bachelor’s degree holder in the field "Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies " is prepared for solving the following kinds of problems: - analysis of a condition and dynamics of objects of activity; - Creation of the theoretical models, allowing to predict properties and behaviour of objects of activity; - Carrying out of experimental researches; - Development of plans, programs and techniques of carrying out of tests of electrotechnical products, systems of an electric equipment and their elements; - Application of methods of the analysis, synthesis and optimization of processes of maintenance of quality, tests and certifications of production; - Use of computer networks for creation of information base of concrete scientific research; - Development and use of systems of the automated carrying out of experiment; - Use of computer technologies of modelling and processing of results; - Registration of results of researches as scientific publication; - Carrying out of practical occupations with students; - Management of course designing; - Carrying out of laboratory researches with students; - Management of educational practice. 1.3.5. Qualification requirements. For solving professional problems the Master: - Performs works on information service, metrological maintenance, technical control; - Carries out theoretical analysis of a condition and dynamics of objects of activity; - Carries out research and analysis of scientific information, in this regard including the help of network technologies of the international information network; - Prepares necessary reviews, responses, conclusions; - Carries out experimental researches; - Develops techniques and chooses the equipment for the automated scientific researches of objects of activity; - Studies and analyzes the necessary information, specifications, parameters and results of experimental work, generalizes and systematizes them, carries out necessary calculations, uses modern means and information technologies; - Prepares scientific publications; - Renders the methodical and practical help at realization of projects and programs, plans and contracts; - Keeps up observance of the established requirements, effective standards, rules and standards; - Organizes work on increase of scientific and technical knowledge of workers; - Promotes introduction of achievements of a domestic and foreign science and technics; - Develops methodical materials to carrying out practicle and laboratory researches; - Develops variants of tasks for course project designing and calculation assignments; - Carries out researches providing statements for new and modernization of existing laboratory works. 1.4. Opportunities of continuation of education. The Master is prepared for training in postgraduate study mainly on scientific specialities: 05.09.01 - " Electromechanics and electric devices ", 05.09.02 - " Electrotechnical materials and products ", 05.09.03 - " Electrotechnical complexes and systems ", 05.09.10 - "Electrotechnology", 05.09.12 - " Power electronics " 05.22.07 - " Rolling stock of railways, traction of trains and Electrification ". 1.5. The Masters degree program: 551317 – “Optimization of equipment of Electrical Rolling Stock” The following problems are studied: perfection of a traction contact, contactless electric equipment and autonomous Electrical Rolling Stock(ERS); mechanical part of ERS and its influence on parameters and modes of the electric equipment; the automated designing of electric and mechanical parts of ERS; automation of scientific researches of traction drives on the basis of Personal Computers; problems of certification of equipment of ERS, its criteria and organization. The program is focused on the decision of scientific problems of optimization of structure and parameters of the traction electric drive. 2. REQUIREMENTS TO THE LEVEL OF PREPARATION OF THE MASTER IN THE FIELD 551300 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ELECTROMECHANICS AND ELECTROTECHNOLOGIES 2.1. Requirements to professional readiness of the Master. 2.1.1. The general requirements to a level of preparation of the Master are defined by the contents of the similar unit of requirements to a level of preparation of the bachelor and the requirements caused by specialized preparation. Requirements to a level of preparation of the bachelor are stated in item 7 of the Russian state educational standard of the supreme vocational training of the bachelor in the field 551300 Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies. 2.1.2. The requirements caused by specialized preparation of the Master, include: Possession of skills of the independent research and scientific and pedagogical activity demanding wide education in the corresponding field; Skills: - To formulate and solve the problems arising during research and pedagogical activity and demanding a profound professional knowledge; - To choose necessary methods of research, to modify existing and to develop new methods proceeding from problems of concrete research; - To process the received results, to analyze and comprehend them in view of the available literary data; - To conduct bibliographic work with attraction of modern information technologies; - To represent results of the done work as reports, abstracts, articles which have been made out according to available requirements, with attraction of modern editing tools and to a seal; Knowledge: - Problems of electrotechnical sciences; - Ways of solving theoretical problems of electrical engineering; - Bases of methodology of a science. 2.1.3. Special requirements. Requirements to preparation of a Master by a research part of the program of the specialized preparation are determined by the educational institution of higher learning. 2.2. Requirements to final state certification of the master. 2.2.1. The general requirements to the state final certification. Final state certification of the master includes defending of final qualifying work and graduation examination. Final attestation tests are intended for definition of practical and theoretical readiness of the Master to performance of the professional tasks established by the present state educational standard, and continuation of education in postgraduate study according to item 1.4 of the above mentioned standard. At the request of students the high school can carry out additional graduation examinations on disciplines which are included into the list of admission examinations in postgraduate study on scientific specialities: 05.09.01 - " Electromechanics and electric devices ", 05.09.02 - " Electrotechnical materials and products ", 05.09.03 - " Electrotechnical complexes and systems ", 05.09.10 - "Electrotechnology", 05.09.12 - " Power electronics " 05.22.07 - " Rolling stock of railways, traction of trains and Electrification ". The estimations received by students on all graduation examinations, can be included as results of entrance examinations in postgraduate study on scientific specialities: 05.09.01 - " Electromechanics and electric devices ", 05.09.02 - " Electrotechnical materials and products ", 05.09.03 - " Electrotechnical complexes and systems ", 05.09.10 - "Electrotechnology", 05.09.12 - " Power electronics " 05.22.07 - " Rolling stock of railways, traction of trains and Electrification ". The attestation tests included in final state certification of the graduate, should fully comply with the basic educational program of the supreme vocational training which he/she has Mastered during training. 2.2.2. Requirements to Master’s dissertations. Master’s dissertation should be submitted in the form of the manuscript. Requirements to the contents, volume and structure of master’s dissertations are determined by a higher educational institution on the basis of Position about final state certification of graduates of the higher educational institutions, authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the state educational standard of preparation of the master in the field "Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies" and methodical recommendations of Scholastic-Methodical Association by education in the field of power and electrical engineering. Time assigned on preparation of qualifying work, makes for the Master not less than twenty weeks. 2.2.3. Requirements to graduation examination of the Master. The order of carrying out and the program of graduation examination in a field "Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies" are determined by high school on the basis of methodical recommendations and the corresponding provisional program, developed by the Scholastic-Methodical Association of education in the field of power and electrical engineering, Positions about final state certification of graduates of the higher educational institutions, authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the state educational standard of preparation of the Master in the field "Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies ". The level of requirements showed on graduation examinations in a magistracy should correspond to a level of requirements of entrance examinations in postgraduate study or candidate examinations on main subjects for scientific specialities: 05.09.01 - " Electromechanics and electric devices ", 05.09.02 - " Electrotechnical materials and products ", 05.09.03 - " Electrotechnical complexes and systems ", 05.09.10 - "Electrotechnology", 05.09.12 - " Power electronics " 05.22.07 - " Rolling stock of railways, traction of trains and Electrification ". By courtesy of Sydney Mulenga B.Eng (Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnologies) All rights reserved. © 2006
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